Cулайманов, Х. А., Ахмедова, О. Х., & Собирова, М. С. (2021). ПАРАЗИТЫ И ХИЩНИКИ ЦИКАДОВЫХ ЮГА УЗБЕКИСТАНА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 118-132.

Author: Cулайманов, Холиқжон Абдурахмонович; Собирова, Муаттархон Собиржоновна Ахмедова, Одинахон Хатамовна;

Annotation: This article provides data on the parasites and predators of cicadas in the south of Uzbekistan. Ticks from this. Thrombididae were found on the larvae of the cicadaids: Scorlupaster asiaticus and Agallia acuteangulata, on the imago Laodelpax striatellus and others. Parasitic insects and ticks infested 42 species of cicadaids belonging to 5 families, of which 37 are infected with the hymenoptera parasites from the family Drylnidae from the family Drylnidae. and Phoridae, 5 mites. Dryinids parasitizing the cicadids of the South of Uzbekistan belong to the following species: Gonotopus sepsoides Westwod, G. forrnicarius Liungh., Richardsidryinus sp Pseudogonotopoides sp. Gonotopus sepsoides and Pseudogonotopoides sp parasitize the larvae and adults of Psaromotettix striatus. Richardsidryinus sp were found on larvae and adults of Scorlupaster asiaticus. The hosts of Gonotopus formicarius are the larvae and adults of Laodelphax striatellus. Diptera from the families Dorilidae richardsidryinus sp. and Pseudo-gonotopoides sp. are new to science.

Keywords: Ticks, mermitid helminths, dryinids, dorilids, forids, entomophthora fungi, pathogenic fungi, phalanges, praying mantises, predatory bugs, ktyrs, lizards, fan-winged, burrowing wasps sphecids.
