Dadajonova, G. A. Q., Turayev, A. S., & Ikromovich, A. X. (2021). TURLI ALMASHINISH DARAJASIGA EGA BO ‘LGAN SULFAT SELLYULOZANING TERMODINAMIK XOSSALARINI O ‘RGANISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences,1(8),361-365.

Author: Dadajonova, Gulnoza Abdulvoxidjon qizi; Turayev, Abbosxon Sobirxonovich; Akbarov, Xamdam Ikromovich.

Annotation: For the study, samples of the sodium salt of sulfate cellulose were taken, and the isotherms of these samples were studied using a McBen-Bakra instrument. Based on the results obtained, the free energy of the mixture and the Gibbs energies were calculated.

Keywords: Sodium sulfate cellulose, adsorption isotherms, free mixing energy, Gibbs energy.
