Давранов, Х. Б. (2021). ЗАРУБЕЖНЫЙ ОПЫТ ПРОТИВОДЕЙСТВИЯ КОРРУПЦИИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 238-245.

Author: Давранов, Хусниддин Бахранович

Annotation: The article reveals the ways of implementing the fight against corruption on the basis of successful examples of foreign states. Borrowing of international experience will avoid mistakes in the implementation of counteractions to corruption in the Uzbekistan. In particular, the experience of combating corruption in Japan, USA, Singapore, China was studied. According to international rankings that study the state of corruption, these countries are the most successful in the fight against corruption. The above countries have achieved positive results with the help of legal and organizational measures to combat corruption. It should be noted that the fundamental role in the fight against corruption in countries the transitional economy is played by the political will of the elite of this country. Also, the article focuses on the regulatory and legal framework for the fight against corruption. Thus, in different countries, the fight against corruption is regulated by various laws, acts and other relevant documents. At the same time, the study notes the work carried out in this area in the Republic of Uzbekistan in recent years.

Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption activities, government apparatus, methods of countering corruption, national security.
