Джалилова, Т. А., Комолова, Г. Ш. К., & Халилов, М. Д. У. (2022). О РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИИ СФЕРИЧЕСКОЙ ВОЛНЫ В НЕЛИНЕЙНО-СЖИМАЕМОЙ И УПРУГОПЛАСТИЧЕСКОЙ СРЕДАХ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 87-92.

Author: Джалилова, Тургуной Абдужалиловна; Комолова, Гулхаё Шукирилло Кизи; Халилов, Муродилжон Дурбек Угли

Annotation: The problem of propagation of a spherical shock wave to the cavity boundary is considered. The soil is modeled either by an ideal non-linear compressible and elastic-plastic medium. The solution of the problem is attached analytically by the inverse method and by the numerical method of characteristics. It can be seen from the calculation results that in the case of modeling the soil of a nonlinear compressible medium, in comparison with the elastic-plastic problem, it changes relatively modularly over time and acquires the greatest values. The results of the characteristics method coincide with the analytical solution of the problem.

Keywords: Spherical wave, nonlinear compressible medium, elastic-plastic medium, ground, deformation theory, cavity, model, front, elastic-plastic deformation, method of characteristics, theory of plasticity, Young's module.
