Djurayev, R. K., & Jabborov, S. (2021). ANALYSIS OF METHODS FOR CALCULATING REFERENCE SIGNATURES IN DIGITAL DEVICES. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 20-26.

Author: R. Kh. Djurayev,Sh.Yu. Jabborov,I. I. Omonov

Annotation: In this report the modern methodology of identifying the faults and the estimation of control reability by means of compact testing are considered. Comparative analysis of considered methods is provided. The need to create methods for calculating signatures is associated, firstly, with the need to automate the production of dictionaries (tables) of reference signatures, since their creation by measuring signatures is quite time consuming, and secondly, with the assessment of the reliability of the signature analyzers themselves. Therefore, the main document of signature analysis is the dictionary of reference signatures, which defines the troubleshooting algorithm.

Keywords: binary, polynomial, register, input polynomial, Simplified signature, inverse polynomial.
