Дононов, Ж. У. Ў., & Шамсидинова, Г. У. Қ. (2021). ГЕОДИНАМИЧЕСКИЙ МОДЕЛЬ СУРХАНДАРЬИНСКОГО МЕГАСИНКЛИНАЛА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 412-417.

Author: Дононов, Жасур Урал ўғли; Шамсидинова, Гулзода Урал қизи

Annotation: In the article, this type of tectonic regime, inherited from the Mesozoic era, remains characteristic of the flat, relatively tectonically calm territory of Western Uzbekistan, which is part of a vast tectonic element-the Turan plate. In the place of the modern, currently separating Western Uzbekistan from the Surkhandarya synclinorium, the South-Western spurs of the Gissar mountains, in the Mesozoic-Paleogene time, a platform regime dominated, characterized by the absence of mountains

Keywords: Regressions, Afghan-Tajik intermountain depressions, Darband, Tethys ocean, formations, Kopetdag, subcontinent geodynamics, paleotethis, tectonophysical, synclinorium
