Do‘Stov, L. F. O. G. L., & Shodiyeva, G. M. (2021). QOLOQ MAMLAKATLARNI INQIROZDAN CHIQISH VA RIVOJLANISHNING ZARURIY YO ‘LLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 1163-1173.

Author: Do‘stov, Lochinbek Farxod o‘g‘li; Shodiyeva, Gulnora Mardiyevna

Annotation: In this scientific work, in the development of the economy of an underdeveloped country, first of all, an attempt is made to analyze all the events in the economic life of society and their interrelated dialectical, inductive and deductive methods and to explain the corresponding ideas and theories in simpler ways. The theory of Focus Strategy has been put forward through combinations, based on which the backward country chooses the path of development based on the theory.

Keywords: Economic backwardness, negative correlation, Leontyev's paradox, the human factor, neuroeconomics, scrabble game, innovative economy, focus strategy.
