Egamberdiyev, K. E., Raxmonov, F. X., & Islomov, X. I. (2022). ENDEMIK IKTEROGEMOGLOBINURIYANING BIOKIMYOVIY MEXANIZMLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 338-342.

Author: Egamberdiyev, Kamol Egamberdiyevich; Raxmonov, Farxod Xolbaevich; Islomov, Xurshid Iskandarovich

Annotation: The article discusses the origin and development of endemic icterohemoglobinuria in Karakol sheep grazing in the natural pastures of the Red Sand biogeochemical oasis, based on scientific data and research results.

Keywords: endemic icterohemoglobinuria, copper metabolism, hepatocytes, subcellular organelles, copper-containing enzymes and proteins, copper poisoning, pyrrolysidine alkaloids, metallothionein.
