Egamberdiyev, O. A. O., Sotvoldiyeva, O. M. Q., & Turdaliyev, A. Y. O. (2021). PEDAGOGIK MAHORATNING MUAMMOLI O’ZLASHTIRISH YO’LLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 535-542.

Author: Egamberdiyev, Oyatillox Alisher o'g'li; Sotvoldiyeva, Orzigul Ma'rufjon qizi; Turdaliyev Abror, Yigitali oʻgʻli

Annotation: This article describes the problems of pedagogical skills, their description, the reasons for their origin. It also provides solutions to problems of pedagogical skills, pedagogical recommendations and opinions of great thinkers on pedagogy.

Keywords: pedagogical psychology, master classes, methodical recommendations, education system, national program.
