Author: Egamov, Mirshohid Xolmurodovich; Gulomova, Muxabbat Maxmudovna.
Annotation: This scientific article explores how analogy components can be used to identify laws and concepts in probability theory and elements of mathematical statistics. The article describes the fundamental concepts and laws of probability theory and mathematical statistics, then demonstrates how analogy can be applied in these areas. Examples are provided of how these approaches are used in various practical fields - from economics to medicine and from finance to biology. The article also offers recommendations for future research, encouraging the development of new approaches and methodologies in these areas.
Keywords: Probability theory, Mathematical statistics, Analogy, Laws and concepts, Practical application, Statistical inference, Sample analyses, Data analysis, Economics and finance, Medical statistics, History of probability theory, Mathematical modeling, Decision making, Risk assessment, Scientific research methodology
Pages in journal: 572 - 579