
Author: Xo’jamov, Umidjon Umarkulovich

Annotation: E-waste is a new problem for both developed and developing countries. In the absence of proper collection and disposal systems, awareness and proper regulations, the problem is much more acute in developing countries. On the one hand, these wastes are dangerous for the environment, and on the other hand, they are valuable. They contain a significant amount of valuable metals, including precious metals. Personal computers are the largest sources of e-waste, followed by televisions and mobile phones. The growth in their consumption pattern indicates a multiple increase in the volume of e-waste and requires immediate attention to the management of e-waste in general and its recycling and reuse in particular. Their recovery, recycling and reuse have become mandatory. Research and development on their processing has led to several technological options. However, a careful examination of the options shows that there is no universally acceptable e-waste management model and it is still evolving. There is a need to develop detailed technologies for e-waste recycling that can best serve the interests of the region.

Keywords: Electronic waste, plastics, hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy, bioleaching, precipitation, cementation and solvent extraction.

Pages in journal: 180 - 186
