Ergashev, A. A., Xolbo‘Tayev, I. R., & Ilesova, B. P. (2022). PARRANDACHILIKDA NASLCHILIK ISHLARINI TASHKIL ETISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 332-337.

Author: Ergashev, A.A.; Xolbo‘tayev, I.R.; Ilesova, B.P.

Annotation: This article describes the methods of breeding poultry and their crossbreeding,improving the quality of breeding and productivity of poultry,as well as the proper organization of breeding work in poultry to increase the efficiency of the farm.

Keywords: turkey, quail, goose, duck, ostrich, sparrow, pedigree, line, cross, egg, poultry and bonitirovka.
