Ergasheva, F., & Sulaymonov, J. (2022). MUHAMMAD RIZO OGAHIY IJODIDA AXLOQIY MASALALAR TAHLILI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(2), 742-747.

Author: Ergasheva, Feruza; Sulaymonov, Jasur

Annotation: This article describes the spiritual and moral views of Muhammad Riza Agahi in his poems in Tawiz ul-Ashiqin. In Devon, Ogahi approached the issue of governing the country in the interests of the people, the welfare of the country, and the well-being and happiness of the people. Indeed, while morality and decency define the spiritual image of any society, the interests of society and the individual are being studied in depth, and the level of spiritual perfection is improving today.

Keywords: Karimov.T, Kadyrov. M, “Tawiz ul-ashiqin”, “Munis ul-ushshak”, morality, humanity, patriotism, faith, belief, generosity, purity, kindness, “zeal”, “precious pearl”.
