Eshboeva, S. K. Q. (2021). USE OF PEOPLE'S ORAL CREATIVITY IN THE FORMATION OF ECOLOGICAL CONCEPTS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS ON A CREATIVE BASIS. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 763-769.

Author: Eshboeva, Surayyo Kahramon kizi

Annotation: The purpose of this article is to teach primary school students ecological concepts on the basis of creativity, environmental protection, environmental culture, environmental education, to improve the creative approach to environmental education in primary school, to determine universal moral and environmental values in environmental responsibility, the moral essence and modern content of ecology, innovative thinking and application of new approaches to the educational process, special attention is paid to ensuring the effectiveness of environmental education.

Keywords: ecology, creativity, ethical activity, environment, conservation, ecological knowledge, examples of folklore, creative approach, ecological education, primary school students, proverbs, quick sayings
