Eshev, S. S., G’Ayimnazarov, I. X., Rahimov, A. R., & Isakov, A. N. (2022). YER O’ZANLI KANALLARDAGI SUVNING NOBARQAROR HARAKATIDA OQIZIQLAR TASHILISHINING HISOBI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 119-126.

Author: Eshev, Sobir Samatovich; G’ayimnazarov, Isroil Xoliqovich; Rahimov, A.R.; .Isakov A.N.,

Annotation: On the basis of Ackers-White dependencies, a method for calculating sediment flow in stationary streams, taking into account the division of sediments into bottom and suspended ones, which refers to the calculation of sediment transport itself, is proposed.

Keywords: silt, bottom and suspended sediment, unsteady flow, wave, dimensionless parameters, associated flow.
