Author: Khujaniyazova, Shahnoza Satimboyevna
Annotation: In this article, the terms related to the death of Jami in Alisher Navoi's manoqib are covered through euphemistic units. For example, a) terms related to the death of a person; b) the process of placing the corpse in the grave; c) a ceremony held after burying the corpse. The article was studied diachronically from the historical-etymological, linguistic point of view. Social-political lexis is a changeable part of a vocabulary content which reflexes an event of social-political character by the aspect of usage, stylistic feature and origin. Due to the comments given by Navoi, there was a sign of a disease under the influence of autumn weather in the body of Hazrati Nuran (one of the nicknames of Jomiy) and in a day the patient had to stay in bed. Getting to know about this, Navoi got information about his health from time to time.
Keywords: Euphemism, Phoneme, Mavt, Maftan, Marhum, Corpus.
Pages in journal: 95 - 101