Файзиматов, Ш. Н., Тожиев, Б. A. Ў., & Рахимов, Ш. Э. (2021). ВОЛОЧЕНИЯ ДАСТГОҲЛАРИДА РАНГЛИ МЕТАЛ СИМЛАРИНИ ЧЎЗИШ ЖАРАЁНИДА ҲОСИЛ БЎЛУВЧИ ТОРТИШ КУЧЛАРИНИ АНИҚЛАШ УСУЛИНИ ИШЛАБ ЧИҚИШ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social scie

Author: Файзиматов, Шухрат Нуманович; Тожиев, Бобурбек Aбдулҳаким ўғли; Рахимов, Шарифжон Эсоналиевич

Annotation: The paper presents the surface areas, formed by gravitational forces in the working part of the filtered drawing, equipped with a hard alloy, in the process of drawing wires from non-ferrous metals on drawing machines

Keywords: drawing, die, plastic deformation, transverse force, hard alloy, diamond, traction force, coefficient of friction, cone angle, sidewall strength.
