Fayzullayev, J. I. (2021). FUNDAMENTAL FANLAR YORDAMIDA TEXNIKA OLIY TA’LIM MUASSASALARI TALABALARINING KASBIY KOMPETENTLIGINI RIVOJLANTIRISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 454-461.

Author: Fayzullayev, Jamshid Ismoiljonovich

Annotation: This article shows the importance of fundamental sciences in the development of students' professional competencies in order to study and understand fundamental sciences in depth, develop their professional abilities, ensure and control the quality of teaching fundamental sciences in higher education, so that future engineers have the opportunity to solve and analyze scientific, technical and applied problems arising in their professional activities.

Keywords: competence, professionally competent,competence, expert, engineer, problem, problem, development, quality, technique, activity, activity.
