Fayzullayeva, M. B. (2021). ICT IS THE KEY OF MOTIVATION IN TEACHING FL. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 711-716.

Author: Fayzullayeva, Munavvar Bahodirovna

Annotation: This article highlights the impacts of using ICT devices in education and for teaching and learning the English language. It is visible that 21st century introduced new and modern way of teaching and learning with IC technologies. ICT can effect to change roles of teachers and learners as well as computers which are given as new pedagogical roles to ICTs in education process. This study is devoted to modern ways of teaching and learning foreign languages with ICT. There are given general and basic notification on ICT devices, their types and some information about components of information and communication technologies, and their functions in English lessons and motivational features of IC applications.

Keywords: ICT (Information and Communication Technology), motivation, ESP (English for specific purpose) and EGP (English for general purpose), English as a foreign language (EFL), English as a second language (ESL), three functions of motivation.
