Gaynazarov, A. T., & Rayimjonovich, A. R. (2021). ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ РАЗРАБОТКИ КЛЕЯ В ПРОЦЕССЕ СВАРКИ НА ОСНОВЕ ЭПОКСИДНОГО СПЛАВА ДЛЯ РЕМОНТА РЕЗЕРВУАРОВ РАДИАТОРА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 659

Author: A.T.Gaynazarov, A.R.Rayimjonovich.

Annotation: Analysis of the methods for repairing radiators showed that each of them changes the conditions of heat transfer. The use of polymer materials for the repair of heating radiators is no exception. To reduce the efficiency of heat transfer, it is necessary to know and understand the laws of heat transfer that are used in the radiator in order to minimize the impact of the proposed repair method.

Keywords: diethylenetriamine, triethylenetetramine, polypolyamine, ethylenediaminomethylphenol, diethylenetriaminomethylphenol, epoxy polymers of triethylenetetraminomethylphenol.
