Гайсина, Р. Ш. (2022). ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЯ ОРНАМЕНТА И ЕГО МЕСТОРАСПОЛОЖЕНИЯ В КОСТЮМАХ НАРОДОВ СРЕДНЕЙ АЗИИ РАННЕГО СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЯ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 239-247.

Author: Гайсина, Р.Ш.

Annotation: The text of this article contains studies of the image of the ornament of its location and interpretation, in the clothes of the peoples of Central Asia of the early Middle Ages, according to the sources of monumental wall paintings (Afrosiab Penjikent settlement). The cut and form of clothing of this period are also considered.

Keywords: ornament, painting, clothing, cut, Central Asia, Afrosiab, Penjikent, Senmurf, Ashozusht, Gokarn.
