Author: Bobanazarova, Shoira Sodikovna; Nurmamatov, Bobur Botirovich
Annotation: The Russian language, like other languages of the world, is regulated in a certain way: the formation of words and their operation are subject to objective laws, without which the language cannot fulfill its main function, the function of communication between people. This arrangement is called the grammatical structure of the language. Describing the grammatical structure of a language is the content and purpose of grammar. The word grammar is also called a branch of linguistics that studies the features of the grammatical structure of a language and the books that describe them. Morphology is the branch of grammar that studies words according to their grammatical properties. Morphology studies the rules of changing words, the knowledge of which is necessary for the construction of a sentence
Keywords: grammar, morphology, syntagmatic, paradigmatic, paradigm, parts of speech, interjections.
Pages in journal: 115 - 119