Hakimova, M. A. (2022). ADABIYOTSHUNOSLIKDA BADIIY ASAR TILI VA BADIIY NUTQ USLUBI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 146-152.

Author: Hakimova, Muhabbat Alimovna

Annotation: The article describes the language and style of a work of literature, the style of artistic speech, attitude to language, creation of a plot in a work of art, means of artistic expression, the description of words and phrases in a work. At the same time, the features of the expression of the language of a work, as well as the expression of external feelings and images in a literary text are shown. The study of the language of the work analyzes the interrelationships between the author's speech and the speech of the characters, the central problems of the style of artistic speech.

Keywords: the language of fiction, the style of artistic speech, the genre and style, the plot
