Hamroyev, N. I., & Qodirov, M. (2021). MUHAMMAD ABDONING QUR’ON KARIM VA ILM-FAN DOIRASIDAGI QARASHLARINING O’ZIGA XOSLIGI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 1030-1041.

Author: Hamroyev, Nusrat Ixtiyorovich; Qodirov, M.

Annotation: This article discusses Muhammad Abdo's contribution to Islamic modernization, the introduction of European scientific achievements into Egyptian socio-political society, the transformation of Egyptian society's socio-political views and the application of Muhammad Abdo's ideas in reform. .

Keywords: Islamic modernism, "The Creator of Egyptian Thought", Sunnis and Shiites, Muslims and Christians, Hadith, Torah, Bible, Qur'an, Martin Luther, Al-Azhar, Al-Ahram, Jamalid-Din al-Afghani, Risalat at-Tawhid , "Al-Urwa al-Wusqa", Beirut, Muhammad Mustafa sav, Ibn Khaldun, Imam, Sheikh.
