Ibrokhimova, A. A. (2021). TURIZM SOHASIDAGI REKLAMANING XARID TALABIGA TA’SIRINING NAZARIY VA USLUBIY ASOSLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 556-563.

Author: Ibrokhimova, Aziza Abbasovna

Annotation: Advertisements play a major role in persuading, informing and reminding both potential and existing customers towards making a purchase decision. It plays a vital role in shaping dreams and aspirations and helps customer take conscious product and brand decisions. This article deals with the theoretical and methodological basis of advertising in tourism and its impact on the formation of purchasing demand, the essence of advertising, its role in the market, types of advertising, definitions and approaches of economists on this topic and the impact of advertising on consumer demand in tourism scientifically based data.

Keywords: advertising, tourism, consumer, behavior, target audience, impact
