Ikromov, S. I. (2021). ARAB TAHLIL MARKAZLARIDA O ‘ZBEKISTON MAVZUSI: STEREOTIPLAR VA TRANSFORMATSIYA. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 103-116.

Author: Ikromov Shavkat Iskandarovich

Annotation: The purpose of this article is studying the contemporary history of Uzbekistan in scientific analytical centers of the Arab countries and also the analysis of the views formed by the dynamics of development of modern Arab-Uzbek cooperation. The review of literature on this subject, characteristic and value of analytical centers, role of the Arab analytical centers in political processes in the Middle East, the general features and subjects of materials on the contemporary history of Uzbekistan in analytical centers is for this purpose submitted. Methodologically materials of analytical centers in the Arab countries were studied in the context of a historiography, as the main method the content analysis method and also systematic and comparative analysis, chronological and problem methods was used. Novelty is studying of cooperation of Uzbekistan with the Arab countries in a historiographic foreshortening, researches of the Arab analytical centers capable to make comprehensive impact on the level of partnership of the parties act as an object of a research. The research revealed limitation of knowledge about Uzbekistan in the Arab countries, stability in them the existing trends and stereotypes, narrowness and unilaterality of the current discussions. In the conclusion need of deeper, continuous and system studying of approaches of analytical centers of the Arab countries across Uzbekistan is emphasized that it will not only influence positively growth of their mutual understanding, improvement of the bilateral and multilateral relations, but will also stimulate increase in image of our country abroad.

Keywords: Uzbekistan, Arab analytical centers, content, image, problem historiography.
