Imamov, B. K. (2022). COOPERATION BETWEEN THE COUNTRIES OF UZBEKISTAN AND TURKEY IN THE CULTURAL SPHERE. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 354-364.

Author: Imamov, Bobir Khojanazarovich

Annotation: This article highlights the important issues of mutual cooperation in the fields of science, education, culture and art at a new stage of relations between the countries of Uzbekistan and Turkey. Also, opinions on the specific aspects of the relations between the two countries in the fields of general Secondary Education, Higher Education, as well as prospective agreements are expressed. The article covers all aspects of cooperation in the field of education, culture, art, as well as information on the meetings of the heads of the two countries at the highest level. In turn, it serves close and effective cooperation of scientific and cultural circles of the two countries. The article analyzes the process of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey in the field of multifaceted education, which is carried out through the implementation of actual problems, mutual internships and scientific trips, as well as participation in international scientific conferences and symposiums, such as the establishment of close relations between scientists and research centers of the two countries. Close relations between the two countries are still carried out today in the form of scientific personnel and labor exchange. The multifaceted scientific-pedagogical cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey, considered in the article, is characterized by the following features: bilateral agreements and agreements in the scientific sphere; direct scientific research in the field of natural, exact and humanitarian Sciences; implementation of mutual internships and scientific trips; conducting scientific–practical conferences.

Keywords: cooperation, culture, education, tourism, poet, art, folklore, theater, education system, museum, historical monument, music festival.
