Author: Toshpo’latova, Xusniya Mamayusub qizi
Annotation: This article discusses the role, types and usage of stylistic devices in ensuring the resonance and effectiveness of advertising slogans, which are an essential part of the advertising text that has become an integral part of our lives today. Besides, the use of alliteration, assonance, antithesis, repetition, puns, hyperbole and litotes in the creation of English advertising slogans is analyzed, and their preservation in the process of translation into Uzbek is investigated. In this process, it is concluded that repetitions, antithesis and in some cases, alliteration retain their form, while puns and assonance are difficult to preserve in the translation.
Keywords: advertising language, advertising slogan, translation, stylistic devices, antithesis, assonance, hyperbole, litotes, pun, alliteration, repetition.
Pages in journal: 498 - 504