
Author: Maxmudova, Zulfiya Muxiddinovna

Annotation: In this article, the translation of idioms in the English language today and the fact that each language has its own characteristics requires the functional reconstruction of the grammatical forms used in the original, not blindly to the translation language, but with the help of alternative forms expressed through them. For example, today, the multiple meaning of adjectives and adverbs causes a number of inconsistencies in the process of translation into Uzbek. Taking into account the lexical and grammatical characteristics of adjectives and idioms in the text, and taking into account the difficulties encountered in the process of conveying them to the reader, it becomes clear how important this topic is. Analyzing the category of ambiguity is a complex study, which covers the achievements and shortcomings of the translator, the different ways of translation and the problems that arise in translation.

Keywords: Adjective vocabulary, adverbial vocabulary, concept of form, concept of content, contextual meaning, polysemantic words, Form and meaning

Pages in journal: 329 - 332
