Isakbayev, F. T., Umarxonova, N. G. K., & Axmedov, A. A. (2021). RAQAMLI IQTISODIYOT SHAROITIDA BIZNES TUZILMALARIDA FOYDA VA RENTABELLIKNING OSHISHIGA TA’SIR QILUVCHI OMILLAR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(

Author: Isakbayev Furkat Temurpulatovich, Umarxonova Nilufar Gulom kizi, Axmedov Asrorxon Abrorxonovich

Annotation: The article analyzes the factors affecting the growth of profits and profitability of business structures in the digital economy, gives a general definition of the concept of profitability and the special importance of analyzing profit and profitability in the system for assessing the financial condition of an economic entity. The main ways to increase income are considered, in particular, such issues as financial control.

Keywords: enterprise, profit, profitability, cost price, financial control, business structure, factors
