Ishanov, J. X., & Jo‘Rayev, B. B. (2021). TOMCHILATIB SUG ‘ORISH TEXNOLOGIYASI RIVOJLANISH DAVRI MUHOKAMASI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 86-90.

Author: J. X. Ishanov, B. B. Jo‘rayev

Annotation: In this paper, drip irrigation is the period of its historical development, and who invented drip irrigation, and from when this type of irrigation began to be introduced into practice, and drip irrigation is the most common type of irrigation in the conditions of water scarcity for the benefit of the society as a whole. Drip irrigation is useful in terms of availability, saving water all over the world, and remains intact insosniyat.

Keywords: Water, dropper, technique, technology, system, water source, irrigation dexterity.
