Iskandarova, O. R. (2021). OLIY TA’LIMDA RUSIYZABON GURUH TALABALARIGA “O ‘ZBEK TILI-DAVLAT TILI”,“O ‘ZBEK TILINING IMLO QOIDALARI” MAVZUSINI O ‘RGATISH BO ‘YICHA AYRIM TAVSIYALAR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Author: Iskandarova, O.R.

Annotation: This article outlines the need for the formation of oral and written literacy in the state language, the formation of the meaning of our language - a sense of primacy, understanding that the future is the basis of a noble word in the development of all spheres of society. Also, for teachers, there are several recommendations for strengthening the spelling norms in students

Keywords: Spelling of bases and suffixes, sound change, spelling of capital letters, use of a dash, requirements for continuous and separate spelling of words, rules for transferring syllables, spelling norms, literacy.
