Иззетова, Э. М. (2021). ПРОБЛЕМА ГЕНЕЗИСА ЭСТЕТИЧЕСКИХ КАТЕГОРИЙ И ИСКУССТВА В ФИЛОСОФСКОМ ДИСКУРСЕ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ТВОРЧЕСТВА АЛЬ-ФАРАБИ И ИБН СИНЫ). Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 14-25.

Author: Иззетова, Э.М.

Annotation: In article al-Farabi's contribution, Ibn Cynna in art and esthetic culture of the East is considered. Basic categories and concepts of their esthetic concepts are analysed: beauty, fine, harmony, perfection, measure, art, imitation, esthetics. The accent is put on the theory of music of al-Farabi, a problem of poetic art of Ibn Cynna. The role of art progress in formation of the harmonious person is shown.

Keywords: culture, philosophy, spirituality, esthetics, fine, harmony, measure, art, music, poetry, humanity, harmonious personality
