Жабборова, Н. Х. (2021). ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ МУЛЬТИМЕДИЙНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ В ОБРАЗОВАНИИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 341-347.

Author: Жабборова, Нафиса Хикматовна,

Annotation: The modernization of teaching methods requires greater use of multimedia technology in education. This approach makes it possible to create a completely new higher and secondary school, to significantly increase the efficiency of classes, to individualize the process of acquiring knowledge. It has long been known that people are divided into several types by the way they perceive information - visually, by hearing, or by practical application, but there are other, more subtle facets of personality, which are not taken into consideration when creating equal conditions, and in the end, everyone has his own inclinations and speed of processing incoming information. This article deals with the peculiarities of multi-media technology application in education. Trends in the development of the modern higher education system are inextricably connected with the wider introduction of various forms, methods, and means of active learning into the educational process.

Keywords: multimedia technology, the informational basis of the educational process, knowledge visualization, interactive interface, visual material demonstration, creative thinking, e-learning systems
