Jumayev, R. B. O. G. L. (2022). AHOLI TURMUSH DARAJASINI BARQARORLIGINI TAʼMINLASHDA MEHNATGA HAQ TO ‘LASH HISOBINI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 136-141.

Author: Jumayev, Rustambek Bahodir o‘g‘li

Annotation: Encouraging labor and entrepreneurial activity is to improve the living standards and quality of life of the population by creating opportunities for everyone who is able to work to ensure the economic well-being of their families through their labor, the formation of savings and their effective investment. Socio-labor relations related to labor activity and its results have a direct impact on the formation of wages and incomes. The development of labor relations leads to the emergence of new forms of social partnership, the development of social protection and an increase in job satisfaction.

Keywords: Income, wages, economic resources, labor, poverty, length of service, pension, tax, entrepreneurship, household.
