Кадырова, Х. Н. (2021). ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ГРУППОВОЙ РАБОТЫ В ОБУЧЕНИИ ГОВОРЕНИЮ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 274-277.

Author: Кадырова, Хосият Назаровна

Annotation: The use of a group form of work when teaching a foreign language is justified by strong pedagogical arguments. Not so long ago, a psycholinguistic explanation of the effectiveness of using the group form of work in the process of mastering a foreign language by students appeared. Special attention is paid to the structure of tasks and the creative development of speech utterance in the process of joint work of students. Group work is becoming not only a more attractive alternative to the strictly regulated management of the educational process, but also a viable substitute for students' communication with a native speaker, as well as a tool for creating a foreign language environment for the development of the communicative competence of Russian language learners.

Keywords: adaptation of speech material, group work, individualization, communicative competence, motivation, psycholinguistics, speech units, functions of speech utterance.
