Author: Nurova, Z.A.; Urazova, Zarina Urmanovna; Hamidbayeva, Mushtariy Nodirovna; Tog’ayeva, Guljahon G’ayrat qizi; Islomov, Ravshan Sherali o’g’li
Annotation: The California red worm is grown on the ground in biohumus of a unique quality, in the development of science, in determining the virological, immunological, microbiological indicators of its action, based on the experience of growing and obtaining medicines from it. The serum obtained from the California red worm has an effect on the body's immune system, that is, it strengthens the body's immune system and maintains it at a normal level. As an experiment, we can see and observe the example of the gathering of citizens of the Chep and Guliston microdistricts in the Altynsoy district.
Keywords: Immunized, California red worm, Immunodeficiency, Medicinal reagents, Medical reagents, AIDS, HIV, Virus, Blood, Leukocytes and erythrocytes, Sick.
Pages in journal: 219 - 223