Karimkulova, R. M., & Olmasov, B. F. O. (2021). CHORVACHILIKDA PROBIOTIKLARNI QO'LLASHNING AHAMIYATI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 499-503.

Author: Karimkulova, Raisa Muxtarovna; O'lmasov, Botir Farxod o'g'li

Annotation: This article is based on an analysis of the literature on the effectiveness of antibiotics and the widespread use of probiotics in livestock production in Europe and other developed countries. It is said that today it is time to use probiotics in animal husbandry in our country.

Keywords: probiotic, microflora, bifidiobacteria, colonization, biocenosis, detoxification, adhesion, adhesion, recombination.
