Каримов, О. Х. (2021). МЕЖДУНАРОДНО-ПРАВОВЫЕ ФОРМЫ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ЭКСТРАДИЦИИ В ОТНОШЕНИИ ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЙ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО ТЕРРОРИЗМА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 225-237.

Author: Каримов, Оятилло Халимович

Annotation: In the present article from author's positions are considered international legal forms of application of an extradition concerning crimes of the international terrorism. At the same time questions of an extradition are considered during the analysis of the international treaties, agreements and conventions on fight against terrorism adopted under the auspices of the UN, ICAO, IMO, IAEA and some other international intergovernmental organizations. The author from practical positions points to provisions of the international anti-terrorist extradition treaties, and their features.

Keywords: terrorism, international terrorism, hijackings, terrorism financing, extradition, extradition treaties, anti-terrorism treaties, UN, ICAO, IMO, IAEA.
