
Author: Karimov, Farxod Toshtemirovich

Annotation: The article considers the possibilities of using interactive teaching methods in the study of the psychology of vocational education. The object of research is the process of teaching the subject "Psychology of Vocational Education", and its subject is the method of interactive teaching of this subject. The method of theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, generalization, synthesis, comparison, and classification methods were used in the research process. The author thoroughly examines the essence of interactive teaching methods, their place in the system of modern teaching methods. Special attention is paid to the fact that each lesson can be conducted using interactive teaching methods, and its choice depends on the teacher’s desire to increase the effectiveness of the educational process and to develop the professional competencies of students. The scientific novelty of the research is in determining the specific features of the use of interactive teaching methods within the framework of this educational course. It was determined that the most effective methods of interactive education are heuristic conversation, psychological diagnostic method, project method, role-playing method, and problem-based teaching method. The results of the research can be used to organize the teaching process of psychology of vocational education and other subjects of the psychological-pedagogical cycle. The use of interactive methods of teaching in the teaching of psychological and pedagogical subjects and the training of future teachers is also important, because the teacher uses them to show students an example and prepare them to use these methods in further pedagogical activities. .

Keywords: psychology of vocational education, teaching methods, interactive teaching methods, heuristic conversation, psychological diagnostic method, project method, role-playing method, problem-based teaching method, methodology.

Pages in journal: 264 - 272
