Kattayev, P. L. A. Z. (2021). TASAVVUF NAMOYONDALARINING ISLOM DINI MADANIYATIDAGI O ‘RNI, SO ‘FIYLAR SILSILASI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 644-648.

Author: Kattayev, Po‘latxon A’zamovich

Annotation: This article discusses mysticism and its importance, its role in human development, the life of Sufis and ascetics, and the series of Sufis. In mysticism, the education of the nafs and the fact that morality is a primary issue are highlighted by the opinions of scholars of different periods.

Keywords: mysticism, sharia, sect, sufi, ascetic, love, good manners, Holy Quran, Muhammad Nurullah Saido al-Jazari, Husayn Waz Kashifi, “Unsul Sufiya”, Naqshbandi, Dahbedi , mystical rings, series.
