Хамитова, Ф. А., & Ядгарова, Г. С. (2021). ОСОБЕННОСТИ ДИАГНОСТИКИ ХИРУРГИЧЕСКИХ ИНФЕКЦИЙ МЯГКИХ ТКАНЕЙ ПРИ САХАРНОМ ДИАБЕТЕ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 94-100.

Author: Хамитова, Фируза Артиковна; Ядгарова, Гулнора Сатриддиновна

Annotation: In the structure of maxillofacial surgery, acute odontogenic and non-odontogenic purulent pathology of soft tissues in patients with diabetes mellitus is very common. The relevance of the problem of diabetes mellitus in surgery is closely related to the relevance of timely diagnosis and surgical intervention for the purification and treatment of infection. In the complex of medical diagnostic measures, the identification of accurate clinical signs is of great importance.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, soft tissue infection, necrosis, purulent-inflammatory diseases, odontogenic phlegmon, jaw.
