Хамраев, Т. Я. (2022). ОБОСНОВАТЬ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ УСТРОЙСТВА ДЛЯ СОРТИРОВКИ ГОРОДСКЫХ БЫТОВЫХ ОТХОДОВ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 304-308.

Author: Хамраев, Толиб Ярашевич

Annotation: Today, the global problem of waste is becoming one of the most urgent environmental problems, the analysis shows that in recent years the volume of household waste has been increasing every year. Moreover, since the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the growth in the volume of household waste has grown almost 2 times, and has a very negative impact on environmental sustainability. In virtually every country in the world, solid waste is growing at a rate of 1% per capita per year. Currently, more than 800 types of waste have been registered, and their increase is expected in the future.

Keywords: household, roller, impact, belt, augers, belt, belt, bins, movable, inertia, dynamos, devices, waste, metal, glass, rubber, food.
