Холматов, А. А. У., & Хайитов, А. М. Ў. (2021). ИЗУЧИТЬ И ИЗУЧИТЬ СВОЙСТВА БАРИЯ И СТРОНЦИЯ-ТИТАНА, СИНТЕЗИРОВАННЫХ В БОЛЬШОЙ СОЛНЕЧНОЙ ПЕЧИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 79-93.

Author: Холматов, Абдурашид Абдурахим угли; Хайитов, Азизбек Мўминжон ўғли

Annotation: The paper presents the results of research on the fundamental problem of materials science of ferroelectrics. From a review of literature data, the relevant aspects of the problem are identified - determining the regularities of the formation of the physical properties of ferroelectric materials and the possibility of controlling these properties using external influences. The objects of study were titanates of barium and strontium, synthesized in a stream of concentrated solar radiation of high density. Melting of barium titanate in a solar furnace was carried out at densities of concentrated solar radiation corresponding to the melting temperatures of the components and the reaction product, based on the radiation of heated bodies. It is shown that when melting in a solar furnace under the influence of concentrated solar radiation of high density, it is possible to obtain a microstructure with a small grain size as a result of the fact that oxide particles envelop the titanate grains and prevent their growth during the technological process. fine dispersion accelerates the recovery process, and also contributes to the formation of a denser microstructure with increased dielectric properties.

Keywords: titanate material, solar furnace, structural defects, dielectric constant.
