Холмўминов, Ж. М. (2021). МОВАРОУННАҲР ФАЛСАФИЙ-ИРФОНИЙ МАКТАБЛАРИ ВА ИБН АЛ-АРАБИЙ ТАЪЛИМОТИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 803-811.

Author: Холмўминов, Жаъфар Муҳаммадиевич

Annotation: The philosophical and theological teachings of Wahdat ul-Wujud ("Unity of Being", "One Being") of the great theologian, mystic, philosopher and poet, who became famous in the Islamic world as "Sheikh ul-Akbar" - Muhyiddin ibn al-Arabi (1165 - 1240) actually arose under the influence of the religious and philosophical views of the great thinkers of Mavеrannahr, such as Hakim at-Termizi (d. 820-932), Abu Nasr al-Farabi (d. 873-950), Abu Ali ibn Sina (d. 980- 1037), Abu Ishak Kalabadi (d. 991). ) and Mustamli Bukhari (d. 434 / m. 1043). This article briefly examines and analyzes the issue of the attitude of Ibn al-Arabi to the teachings of the thinkers of Central Asia and the Sufi schools of Maverannahr in the framework of intercultural dialogues between the western and eastern directions of Islamic philosophical and mystical thought.

Keywords: religious and philosophical thought, Islam, Sufism, irfan (Islamic mysticism), theology, kalam (Islamic theology), Maverannahr, philosophical-sufi school, Ibn al-Arabi, philosophy of Wahdat ul-wujud (“Unity of Being”, “One Being”), tajalli (insight) ), teachings, Central Asia, thinker, influence, attitude, Hakim at-Termezi, Farabi, Ibn Sina.
