Хужаев, С. С., & Рахимбердиев, И. У. (2021). РАЗВИТИЕ БУХГАЛТЕРСКОГО УЧЕТА В СФЕРАХ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОГО НАЗНАЧЕНИЯ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 415-420.

Author: Хужаев, Салимжон Содикович; Рахимбердиев, Исмоил Убайдуллаевич

Annotation: In the proposed article, the author expresses his professional judgment on topical problems of the development of accounting and accounting education, examines the trends and evolution that the accounting profession has undergone. The article analyzes the most important issues of accounting education, which today are not properly resolved.

Keywords: accounting, pedagogy, assessment methods, critical thinking, practical competencies, assessment stages, learning results.
