Author: Yormuxammadova, Zebiniso Otabek qizi; Rahimjonov, Akmaljon Baxromjon o‘g‘li
Annotation: Cyberspace and the consciousness of society expand and enrich each other. Minors make up the main part of the occurrence of this process. Despite the fact that there are several beneficial aspects for young people in this matter, it is impossible to ignore the harmful aspects! Of course, in order to regulate this area, it is necessary to develop additional legal documents, as well as control their practical operation. This article enumerates such issues and at the same time reflects on the current situation in the countries of the world and in Uzbekistan, gives recommendations and suggestions by approaching the situation through some examples.
Keywords: cyberspace, society, public consciousness, age groups of society, minors, children, teenagers, social network, Great Britain, China.
Pages in journal: 90 - 95