
Author: Khusainova, Munira Alisherovna; Khaydarov, Sanjar Nizamitdinovich; Uzokov, Jurabek Bakhtiyorovich; Karabayeva, Gulchehra Khudayberdiyevna

Annotation: The purpose of the work. Study of the clinical and functional state of the kidneys, the prevalence and severity of anemia among patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Patients and methods. In 77 patients (mean age 60.4±1.2 years) with CHF I-IV FC (NYHA, 1994), the filtration capacity of the kidneys was assessed by the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using the Cockcroft-Gault formula, the activity of N - acetyl - p - D - hexosaminidase (NAH) in the morning portion of urine as an indicator of the functional activity of the tubules, the presence of microalbuminuria (MAU) was determined, reflecting the function of the endothelium and the glomerular apparatus as a whole. The presence of anemia was determined according to generally accepted criteria results. A significant increase in NAH is characteristic of low FC CHF (FC I-II). In the initial stages CHF in patients there is a slight decrease in GFR, as CHF progresses, filtration decreases significantly, while MAU increases. The concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit in the blood also decreases with the progression of CHF. Anemia is of an iron-distributing nature. The relationship between the concentration of hemoglobin and the indicators of the functional state of the kidneys has not been revealed. Conclusion. NAH is a marker of early defeat the tubular apparatus of the kidneys. Tubular lesion in patients with CHF precedes glomerular kidney damage. The presence of anemia in patients is associated with the severity of CHF.

Keywords: chronic heart failure, kidneys, anemia, microalbuminuria, N - acetyl - p - D – hexosaminidase

Pages in journal: 102 - 112
