Kizi, N. I. I. (2022). TO THE PROBLEM OF TRANSLATION OF TOPONYMS FROM ONE LANGUAGE TO ANOTHER (On the Example of Uzbek, Russian and English). Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 381-386.

Author: Nematova, Iroda Ilhom kizi

Annotation: The article is devoted to the problem of translation of Russian-speaking urban homonyms into English and Uzbek languages in the absence of clearly defined rules of translation in this area. The article substantiates the idea that the analysis of the regularities of practical application of these techniques, taking into account the linguistic and cultural context and practical convenience can be the basis for the future creation of commonly used principles of translation of Russian urban homonyms into English and Uzbek languages. For example, abbreviations of words, special scientific terms, names of organizations and other frequently used collocations are an integral part of modern research texts. It is important not only to learn how correctly abbreviate terminological constructions, form abbreviations and acronyms, but also to master the translation of abbreviations in a scientific article. Today you cannot do without submitting your research texts to foreign scientific publications. Therefore, it is important to know all the peculiarities of translating a text into English and Uzbek languages.

Keywords: toponymical, Russian, Uzbek, English, transliteration, abbreviations, translation problem.
