Kojageldiyev, A. U., & Uzakbayev, Y. A. (2021). SIYOSIY MADANIYAT VA QORAQALPOG ‘ISTON SIYOSIY INSTITUTLARI RIVOJLANISH ISTIQBOLLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 632-643.

Author: Kojageldiyev, A.U.; Uzakbayev, Y.A.

Annotation: The article analyzes the current problems of political culture, the development of democracy, its role in modernizing the political life of society, approaches to the development of political culture in Karakalpakstan. Emphasis is placed on the aspects of political culture in the activities of political institutions that ensure the development of society. It is also assessed as a regulatory framework for the protection of human rights and freedoms, as expressed in the strategic goals and objectives of socio-political movements.

Keywords: Political culture, political institutions, social organization, modern society, political goals, political ideology, democratization, modernization, rule of law, civil society.
